Pre-order Live What You Love Yellow Poster

Live What You Love Yellow Poster

We are taking pre-orders for the Live What You Love yellow posters! We have been asked many times when it’d be back in stock, thank you so much for your patience, we will be printing them sometime in August and shipping as soon as they are ready.

So please pre-order the poster from here, we will only be printing certain quantities!

Live What You Love Yellow Prints


Just wanted to let you know that Live What You Love letterpress prints in yellow are back in stock! It’s been sold out for a while… so I’m happy that it’s back.


I used different wood type blocks as usual and the letter O of YOU has a really unique texture, I adore it so much.

Live What You Love yellow Live What You Love yellow Live What You Love yellow Live What You Love yellow Live What You Love yellow

Please stop by the shop and grab one if you’ve been waiting for it.


Printing Friday…



It was a printing Friday for me… actually went to the Arm to print! Hadn’t touched Vandercook for a while so it was a fun and exciting day (but I forgot how tiring it is to print with Vandy, my arm aches already… :)). More photos will come soon with some new stuff for the shop.

Wishing you a happy weekend!! xo Hijiri

Today’s Bridge 11.27.11

Time is flying and flying with a new baby without much sleep… Can’t believe November is almost over! I hope you all had a nice thanksgiving holiday… We drove up to Massachusetts and had a wonderful thanksgiving with our family. Managed to travel with a baby, too!

Last Sunday, it was such a warm nice day (it’s been really warm! No complaints there.) and so I went to Brooklyn Bridge park with Mili. Sigh, this view. Never ever gets old. The scenery is changing to winter-like… and look what we found — a heart-shaped yellow leaf underneath the Manhattan Bridge :)