Found Art: Heartwalk Installation


I LOVE when I find a new art in DUMBO. Welcome, Heartwalk, a massive, 30-foot art installation made from Sandy-salvaged wood in the Pearl Street Triangle! SO awesome to have you!!



I took these during the day so you can’t really see, but it glows in red :)


More about it here and here!


Cute Wooden Teether

Came across these cute wooden teethers — A heart teether and a dachshund teether. I want to get one for Mili, but this is so hard… maybe I should get them both! :)

Happy baby Wednesday!

Dachshund Rolling Toy

I’m on my 3rd trimester already (time flies soo fast!) it’s true I look at baby stuff more and more now… :) This wooden dachshund rolling toy is just too cute not to post. Love the simple design.

Check out more handmade eco-friendly wooden toys from Buddy and JoJo.

New Year’s Resolutions

What are your New Year’s resolutions? Do you usually write them down somewhere or just think of them in your head? I usually write them down on my schedule book (and never really get looked back all year), but when I came across this mini notepad that says “2011 resolutions” on Quotes & Notes etsy shop, I thought this may work better, I can hang this on my office wall and be reminded each day.

One of my biggest resolutions of the year is to launch Heartfish Press and there are lots of little resolutions along with the launch… I really should write down all of them.

The other ones include start practicing yoga again, get organized etc. — what are yours? If you’d like to share, please do in the comment area, I’d love to see and get inspired by your resolutions, too! :)