Pitter Patter Umbrella

OK, I just lost (well… left on the street) my umbrella from Muji. I always lose them no matter how much I am careful not to… (sigh)

So when I saw this Pitter Patter Umbrella, I had mixed feelings:

a) I want it!! I need one anyway and how cool is that to look at all these types in the rain!

b) wait… I’m gonna lose this anyway so maybe I should get cheaper plain umbrella…

What do you say?!

Pitter Patter Umbrella

Detail 2

(images are from veer. Fist saw it at we love typography)

I’m adding it to my wish list for now…..

Dear Sarah Pro

I love this font called “Dear Sarah Pro” – very nice hand-written warm feel. I love that they have ink stain as a part of the font family, too. It’ll add a cool touch.

At Veer, you can download a PDF file for each font and see how it looks in design, how each alphabet looks etc. and here are some pages for this font. Lovely!

Typography Wall Graphic

This can make an interesting and cool typographic wall depending on how you design them — the fonts used are Estilo Script and Expletive Script.

Available at veer.

Rian Hughes

Veer offers type packs from British designer Rian Hughes – great packs!

Weathered Woodtype Pack:

Distressed Display Pack:

You can also view his work and watch his video and learn more about him from here – very inspirational!!

His inspirational board for Roadkill fonts: