Thank you, thank you, thank you!

thank you

I just want to take a moment here and thank for each wonderful blog/magazine… You are all my inspiration, I couldn’t be happier and more honored to be featured!

UPPERCASE magazine issue 8 :: HELLO letterpress print was featured in the first spread!

UPPERCASE magazine spread(photo via UPPERCASE Flickr)

Poppytalk :: Introduction to Heartfish Press and LOVE giveaway mention.


sfgirlbybay :: A wonderful mention about Heartfish Press and this blog, I LOVE loooove the title she gave — a press with a heart — she is genius!


Thank you so much!!!

UPPERCASE Magazine Issue8

Do you subscribe to UPPERCASE magazine? If you haven’t already, it’s not too late — Issue 8 is just out and it is the letterpress issue!

Each copy comes with an authentic vintage matchbox label AND a letterpress print/card sampler. I am so proud to say that Heartfish Press is one of the participants!

(video by UPPERCASE)

Check out the Alphabet Greeting Card in the video :)

Can’t wait to receive my copy… and I wonder who gets the Heartfish Press samplers… (I included some prints, too!) Will you let me know if you would be the one?


I love my UPPERCASE magazine since the very first issue, but especially the #6! My feet are featured! I know, it sounds funny, but for the “shoegazing” section :) I mentioned about it before, but when I heard the news from lovely Janine, I was so excited and here it is, all published!


If you haven’t already, I highly recommend subscribing, it is one of the best design magazines I’ve ever subscribed! :)


On other note… I’ll be on vacation starting tomorrow (aww I have too much to do still!) and so today is the shipping cut-off day at my Etsy shop. Please shop accordingly for the up coming summer events, home and such! Thank you so much!

Curated by UPPERCASE

My print was featured in The Storque at Etsy! I am super stoked because it was curated by Janine from UPPERCASE — one of my favorite design magazines (I am a proud subscriber since the issue 1 :)), online shops, and source of inspirations! Make sure to check out all of her picks — so good!



It’s been super crazy busy around here, I am so tired as I’m typing this, with soo much more to do ahead of me, but reading what she says: “financial risk and incredibly hard work are all worth it if you are true to yourself and your talents.” makes me believe that this is all worth it!!!

Thank you so much, Janine, for not only including my print, but also your inspiration!