
Printed more “thank you” cards with wood types for my shop the other day and look what happened! “E” was backward :) It happens sometimes due to the mirrored wood type blocks, but thought it was fun to share it here. I flipped the “E” after this so just this only one.

In case you never seen this, this is something I print for my customers. I write a thank you note for each customer on the back of the card. You will receive one with your order*!

*not with poster orders, unfortunately… these cards are too stiff to include into a tube mailer :(

I have “Hello!” “Enjoy!” and “Thank U!” now. Let’s see which one you will receive…

Custom Thank You Cards

Our friends Megan and Il Sun are getting married tomorrow (!! Congratulations!!) and I was so happy and honored to print their Thank You cards :)

Megan liked the cake graphics I had, so we used that as a starting point and I designed something simple and elegant with their names.

Checking placements and impressions…


Printing with metallic silver ink… Their whole invitation was in silver-ish color so this matches well.


And here is the final product. So cute!



We are going to their wedding in Philadelphia tomorrow, so exciting! It is the last wedding to go this year (the 5th one. It was all in different cities, too.) and I haven’t been to Philadelphia for more than 10 years so it should be a fun trip!! Have a great weekend, everyone. It’s getting colder and colder… stay warm!