My Moleskine 2013

Star Wars Moleskine

As master Yoda says…

I got the Star Wars Moleskine planners this year, thanks to my mother-in-law!! This famous quote from Yoda has to be this year’s resolution. I’ve been meaning to post this… :)

Star Wars Tenugui


You wouldn’t believe what I found at the Kinokuniya the other day… Star Wars Tenugui! How awesome! There are so many different colors, patterns and characters with Japanese flare, I wanted them all.


Star Wars Moleskine Book

Star Wars Moleskin

I couldn’t believe what I saw at the Kinokuniya — Star Wars Moleskine schedule notebook for 2013! Each one says different stuff;

Do. Or do not. There is no try. — Yoda

Don’t underestimate the force. — Darth Vader

May the force be with you. — Luke Skywalker

Here’s where the fun begins. — Han Solo

I have to get one of these for next year! I can’t decide which one yet, though… touch choice.

May the force of Typography be with you

Aww these can’t be more perfect for me — Star Wars + Typography! LOVE it!

Each face part is made out of some kind of type and the names of the fonts are on the bottom of the poster. So awesome :) May the force of Typography be with you!!

(found via swissmiss)

I’ll be printing all day today, wishing you a happy weekend and I will see you back on Monday! xo Hijiri