First Day of Spring

Beginning of this week is not so springy with rain and grey sky, but the past few days have been so gorgeous that we went to Prospect park everyday on the weekend just to enjoy the sun and the spring — everyone was thinking exactly the same, the park was packed and everyone was having a blast!

It was 70-something degrees, I was just wearing tee-shirts, but all the trees are still brown with no leaves and it looked weird — I saw little buds coming out, though!

The dog beach was finally open — saw many dogs around and a few were actually swimming and having fun! Made me smile :)

Maia enjoying her first back rubs…

and I found some flowers! Everywhere else was all brown, but these little lives found their way to bloom — so inspiring.

On Sunday, there was an Irish parade on Prospect Park West (I think it’s for belated St. Patrick’s Day ceremony, too) — it was another gorgeous day and their spirit and everyone’s vibe were so nice.

Love these costumes!

Happy Spring to all of you :) xo Hijiri


It was a beautiful spring day (finally) on Sunday in New York, we took a long walk to/around Prospect Park and I saw pinks and greens that I hadn’t seen for a long time! Winter is so cold and so long here, but when it’s spring time finally, it shows gradually, leaf by leaf, and I love the visible transformation of earth so much, it is worth the wait. And I just couldn’t help taking pictures of the colors, still not a full bloom, but even a little color catches my eye after seeing whites, grays and browns all winter long, it is really fresh!






It’s gonna be even more beautiful from here on, so exciting! Happy Spring!