Today’s Bridge 12.27.10

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas… We drove back on Christmas night, actually, due to the expected snow storm — thank goodness, we did, yesterday all day was a crazy snow storm! And look what it did to our streets…

This is on Plymouth Street, looking down the 2 bridges. Usually looks like this.

Poor car… (our rental car is behind this and pretty much the same condition. aww)

Wish us luck getting our rental car out to return it today…

It’s a White World

All day yesterday, all day last night, it snowed here in NYC… so much! and it was beautiful. I kept looking out the window all day and being amazed by the white/silver world out there…

So I went out and took some photos. In a blizzard. yes. I couldn’t help it :)

The heart-shaped gate:

It’s a white world!

A snow bicycle:

I love the white trees… they are one of the most beautiful things that snow can create…

Even the bus schedule was white yesterday.

I think it was the most snow we’ve ever gotten since we moved here. Yes, still a lot out there, but it’s not the same… (getting not so pretty) I hope you can see some beauty in a white world I saw! Have a great day :)

Let it Snow

Good morning! Hope you all had a great weekend… can you believe Christmas is this Friday?! (I can’t!!) I hope you are almost ready for the holidays… :)

Over the weekend, it SNOWED here. so. much. I have to admit, it was beautiful. (now, not so much…)

I was out all day holiday shopping on Saturday (made it hard to shop in the snow) and when I came back to Park Slope, everything was covered in snow and it totally turned into a silver/white world!



On Sunday morning, when we opened our window…. we saw more snow! and birds :) They were so cute.


Maia was very interested in looking out…



Snow, snow, snow… everywhere on the street.


Found snowman! He had sausage eyes!


Monday morning white and wintry inspirations… :) Have a great day!

Anthropologie Snow Window Display

I am always amazed by how creative anthropologie window displays and store displays are all year round, but this one I saw at their Rockefeller Center location is by far my favorite!! Yes, the letter “S” “N” “O” “W” are falling down and accumulating. How awesome. I love it. I want this in my office window. Seriously.





The window next to it had lots of snowballs. :)


So inspiring!!