DUMBO Arts Festival 2012 Part 2

dumbo arts 2012

Continue posting about DUMBO Arts Festival 2012… These gold art installation was actually on the water, it looked so cool:

Moss animals!

dumbo arts 2012

dumbo arts 2012

dumbo arts 2012

Above the Powerhouse Arena…

dumbo arts 2012

and these pieces (there were three) were my favorite — A live performance on top of the sculpture. She was moving slowly and smoothly, it was so beautiful.

dumbo arts 2012

dumbo arts 2012

And cool lighting by the Manhattan Bridge archway. I couldn’t see the show, but just looking at this made me happy :)

dumbo arts 2012

Looking forward to next year!

DUMBO Arts Festival 2012 Part 1



Last weekend was the Dumbo Arts Festival and even though I only had a little bit of time on Friday evening and Saturday during the day, I saw lots of great arts again this year. (Search for posts from 2010 and 2011 if you are interested seeing the previous years posts) I am posting some photos today and tomorrow, enjoy!

The first two — Saw these big sculpture guys on top of a truck…

Below: Some crazy lighting…


This was really cool — a big quilt-like scarf hanged by the water and it was making different shapes and patterns as the wind blows… Mili loved looking at it, too!



Saw / found lots of art installations in the park…







To be continued…

DUMBO Arts Festival 2011 Brooklyn Bridge Park

Here are some DUMBO Arts Festival photos from the Brooklyn Bridge Park. Love this silver and gold balloon letters (too bad the wind was making the letters really tilted…) that read “Love You Forever.”

Big art made out of tree branches…

Some of the rocks had pretty stripe covers on them.

A white structural sculpture

Big red object — kids were loving it!

Found Art: Mr. Walt Whitman Sculpture

This weekend, I was out everyday to explore DUMBO Arts Festival 2011 — I took few photos so I’ll be sharing them this week… but today, I found the Mr. Walt Whitman sculpture at the Washington Street lawn area (my friends saw him, I hadn’t seen him yet) so took a quick shot.

‘Walt Whitman’ is a life size sculpture in papier-mâché and florescent paint, commemorating this local icon of American culture whose voice celebrates modern American identity and paved the way for today’s artists. Whitman was editor of the Brooklyn Eagle from 1846 to 1848 and the first edition of Leaves of Grass was published on Old Fulton Street by brothers James and Andrew Rome.