Everything is gonna be alright

I came across these wonderful typographic posters over the weekend (did you see the Oscars? I was so happy to see Natalie Portman won the Best Actress!) and just wanted to share. Monday can be hectic, but hey, “Stay cool, be confident and everything is gonna be alright“!

There are 2 others just as great!

So with these in mind, let’s have a great week, shall we? :)

((images via eva juliet))

Found Type: St. Mark’s Bookshop

I was at the St. Mark’s Bookshop the other day and found few types/type treatments I wanted to share.

This poster on the wall caught my eye. The End of Print. Love the type treatment. Looks like wood types…

There are a lot of hand-printed books in the shop, it’s awesome to look around. This book cover is 3-color letterpress printed.

and this book cover was really well letterpressed. (sorry for my iPhone quality photos..) Makes me want to work on a book cover…!

Happy Friday! :)

City Posters

I’m always drawn to prints/posters that are city related… I have a few city map collections, I’ve been thinking of adding a few more to the family… and these are calling my name.

New York Print by Blanca Gómez:

San Francisco Poster by Fleet Street Scandal:

Poster at the Letterpress Things

I was so happy to get to go to Letterpress Things after thanksgiving while we were in MA, that place is amazing! More photos soon, but I wanted to share this awesome poster — “When I get a little money, I buy type and presses and if any is left, I buy food & clothes” Love all the types, especially, the “TYPE” and “PRESSES” — beautiful!!

oh and the top poster that reads “This place is filled with Printing Junque” is so perfect for the shop I have nothing else to say.

With that in mind, I am off to my letterpress studio! Have a great day, everyone! xo Hijiri