One more found type today — “Shirts Rule” — it was on Thomas Pink‘s store window display in midtown as a part of their current branding. I just couldn’t pass by without taking pictures of the marquee letter lightings (on top) and how they are layed out. Pretty fun!
Tag: pink
DIY: Flower Arrangement
I did a very easy flower arrangement for the shower :) Just by using 2 stems of white hydrangeas & 2 stems of pink gerbera daisies (they are two of my favorites! and our wedding flowers, too) — came out so cute, I was so happy (and still happy to look at today)!! All you do is to cut them to the length of the base and make them shape rounder, which is easy since both of them already have the shape.
I made 3 of these and placed on bar table, food table and desert table.
and I placed 2 stems of pink gerbera daisies in a simple tall glass base in the bathroom for an extra touch :)
I love having flowers around the house, I should do that more often!
Hey Yo Yo
Yesterday was our baby shower day! Aww it was soo fun. I want to do it again and again :P We had it here in our loft apartment with our lovely friends’ help (THANK YOU SO MUCH, Mio & Masa!!), it was nothing traditional, coed brunch party just like we wanted :)
I ordered these cute cupcake liners, baking cups and paper bags (aw, the paper bags didn’t get to use, but will be used later!) from Hey Yo Yo — great party supplies shop on etsy! I visited their shop many times prior and wanted to get each one of them, they are all just so cute and fun, makes me want to throw a party all the time!
If you are planning on even a little get together, I would suggest just looking at their shop to get an idea or purchase something fun for your special/non-special occasion :)
Photos from the shower will follow later…

Costom Print: Jack & Deanne
I printed this a while ago for Jack & Deanne who got married on June 5th this year — they wanted a memorable piece with the lace heart for their wedding and also for the keepsake, I was so happy to be able to create a custom print for them — and it came out so great!
Wood type set and adjusting placement and impression…
Always make sure with the compute mock up for spelling, placement etc.
It’s ready for inking — their wedding colors were red and pink — pink ink here for the names and the dates:
Now, printing the lace heart… (I could print this first, but due to the ink on the press, this way made sense at that time. Being flexible is a big part of letterpress printing, I think!)
and here is the finished print:
Congratulations, Jack and Deanne!!