My Pillows

For our 2nd (cotton) year anniversary, my mother-in-law sent us the credo pillow! Thank you so much!! and look how it looks in our living room (small) couch with other beautiful pillows that I love.

I love it! Thank you so much, Janis! (she also gave me this necklace on my birthday – I am so happy, it is soooo super cute)

The other pillows are from my lovely ladies’ shop that I have worked with. The turquoise-ish blue color pillows are from booloo boutique (aren’t they beautiful? I love these pillows so much that I designed our living room inspired by the color + splash of red + black and white) and the doily pillows are from LAMA – I was eyeing them for so long and I finally got them, they are much cuter in person than the pictures even though they look already so cute in the pictures.

I am so happy with all my pillows that I had to post about them – do you love your pillows? Don’t they make home more fun and add colors or impact on your home?!