Snow snow snow…


There is a lot of snow in NYC right now… these photos are from 2 days ago, but oh boy, was it cold… (yesterday was just too freezing to go outside so stayed in.)


9am picture above and 10:30am picture below. Mili was at her home school so I had to drop her off and pick her up in this snow. It wasn’t fun. haha


But I love the white city. It’s so pretty. Until it gets slushy and gross…


In my neighborhood around 3pm. It didn’t stop snowing until next day. Therefore, lots of snow everywhere… but it’s too cold to go outside and play! (12Fahrenheit / -11Celsius)

Happy Spring Friday!


It’s been oh so gorgeous around here, the nature is responding really well you can see! I love seeing the Spring blooming, I know I say this every year, but I just cannot get enough. Here are some photos I took around the city. Wishing you all a happy Spring Friday and weekend!



This cherry blossom tree is in the middle of Soho on West Broadway street. It was stunning! Everyone was taking photos :)


Sandy Photography Exhibition


Stopped by the Powerhouse Arena the other day and saw the EXHIBITION: SANDY: Devastation, Document, Drivea vast visual document of Superstorm Sandy created by photographers of all backgrounds–from career photojournalists to judiciously situated cell phone owners and ardent Instagrammers. (it’s ending today! I’m glad I caught it before it ends.)


And all these photos on the wall are up for grab for a suggested donation of $5 per photo.


I was happy to see lots of photos were taken…


I looked through each one, also hoping to rebuild, renew, renovate… and got one photograph and made a donation. What a great exhibition this was. Hope many people have seen it…

Happy Friday and Happy weekend, everyone! xo Hijiri

Today’s Bridge 2.28.13

Brooklyn Bridge

I can’t believe February is over! It was a gorgeous morning so I decided to take Mili to the playground first thing this year, but it got cloudy and cold when we got there in the afternoon… Aw. She enjoyed playing anyway and I was happy to see the Brooklyn bridge so close. Hoping for a warm March… :) xo Hijiri