Inspiration: MoMA Visit 1

Last Sunday, I visited MoMA and found lots of inspirations — will have couple more posts later, but here, I wanted to share some typographic inspirations from the walls. Love looking at museum walls besides the exhibition (of course) because it always has cool design and typography.

Bruce Nauman: Days (very interesting exhibition – “sound sculpture”)

A huge wall full of days. Monday through Sunday. Not in exact order. Caught my eye. (and makes sense for the exhibition, too)

Rising Currents: Projects for New York’s Waterfront (also an interesting exhibition)

I liked the project description wall. Nicely designed.

and this was on the 2nd floor wall — I’m not sure if this is a work in progress or if this is it… I didn’t see any project caption or anything, but either way, it caught my eye.

Met Museum Bag

When I was cleaning my office area, I found the Metropolitan Museum of Art shopping bag. Yes, I keep stuff like this… because it caught my eye and I thought it was cool typographic design. The bag is gold and white lettering around — very chic :)




This reminds me to visit there again… maybe soon… very soon…

MoMA | Martin Kippenberger

One more post from my MoMA visit… Martin Kippenberger: The Problem Perspective. Just to be in the entrance area of this exhibition made me so excited – walls of great posters he designed for his exhibitions! Each one is so different and unique, my eye was so busy just to take in. I couldn’t take any photos inside the exhibitions, but you will find so many of his works including paintings, sculptures, installations, drawings, prints… lots of stuff. Lots of energy. It was cool.




I especially liked this hand-lettering poster for SF MoMA exhibition. Back in 1991.


It is going on until May 11th, if you are around in NYC, you should go check it out!

MoMA | Tangled Alphabets

I went to MoMA last week and saw a few exhibitions including this Tangled Alphabets by León Ferrari and Mira Schendel – the title itself was so intriguing to begin with and so I was really looking forward to this exhibition – it was really interesting and cool, it was an art created by letters and hand-writing alphabets! It wasn’t design exhibition, it was a true art.

The exhibition starting area. I like the different fonts and words all played around with each other.


The wall explaining who they are:


another shot of the title of the exhibition – it really shows how this exhibition is about.


Some images from the exhibition that I liked:

*All the images from here down are from Tangled Alphabets website.







If you are in NY area, I would recommend checking it out, it’s going on until June 15th this year!