Spider-Man in DUMBO


A couple of weeks ago, I was walking around my neighborhood and saw these posters above and thought it was so cool for a NYC Ballet. Snapped a picture without realizing that this was a prop for the new Spider-Man movie until few days after… The whole neighborhood was covered with the Spider-Man world!




There were more, but aren’t these great?! I can’t wait to watch the movie and spot these on the background…


It’s a bit hard to see, but there was a crowd right under the Manhattan Bridge one day and I heard a lot of fireworks sound… oh and I did see a Spider-Man :)

Academy Awards Nominee Title Design



Did you watch Oscars last night? I barely watch tv now that I have a baby, but last night was exception. I loved the nominee title designs so much that I had to take pictures and post about it. There were few variations, too. Thought it was very cool.

Art & Copy

Last night, I went to see this film about advertising called “Art & Copy” — as I was majoring advertising design in my art school and worked at an advertising agency for 6-7 years, this was pretty exciting to me and it was a true celebration of the creativity behind the big ad campaigns.

and YES! Creativity can solve anything!!! (I love that. I might have to make a print for that…)

All the casts are my heros so it was so awesome to see them talk about what they think. They have more screenings coming up, if it’s in your city, please go check it out! If you think advertising is an eye sore, this film might change your mind… :)

Happy Friday!! (I had a late start this morning as I had a doctor’s appointment…)