Today’s Bridge 5.13.12


I hope you all had a great Mother’s day weekend like I did… :) We took the East River Ferry to Williamsburg — never done that before so it was fun! Above is the Brooklyn Bridge and the pier while we were waiting on the ferry and below is the Williamsburg bridge from Kent Avenue.


It was sunny and hot, the view of the midtown Manhattan was stunning from the Williamsburg side.


Today’s Bridge 2.23.12

It’s gorgeous out today, 55 degrees and sunny! What a perfect day for me to become one year older :) Ever since we moved to NY for the last 4 years, my birthday’s been freeeeezing and bad weather I didn’t even want to go outside so this is really awesome for me! Yay! I’m going to go enjoy my day with Mili now, have a great day!! xo Hijiri

Today’s Bridge New Year 2012



Happy New Year!! Hope everyone had a fabulous New Year’s day and off to a great start! It was really beautiful day here in NY, we took a long walk around the neighborhood and of course captured these bridges :) It’s going to be an awesome year! xo Hijiri