
Today is a big day for us — we are moving to DUMBO loft! New keys, new loft, new neighborhood… I’m super excited :) I will try my best to be more organized at this new place… I will share some pictures along the way…

Here is a little sneak peek of my new studio area. For some very exciting reason, I had to set this up at the new loft… I will share the news when the time comes! :)

Have a great weekend, everyone, and I will see you all on Monday from DUMBO!!

Found Type: DUMBO + New Loft

I have been going over to DUMBO a lot lately… (you’ll see why later) Always so cool to be in the neighborhood, I find so many inspirations… I wanted to share some found type on the historical brick buildings this morning because they are just so special and great looking!

and…. I will be seeing these coolness and inspirations everyday starting on May 1… Yes, we just signed a lease at the loft space in DUMBO! We are so excited, can’t wait to start living this area and explore more!

Here is a little sneak peek of the new loft. I’m sure I will be talking about it a lot more… I need lots of room inspirations, new furniture… so stay tuned! :)

Happy Friday, everyone! xo