I knew this day would come someday… (I am really grateful to my customers!) I printed Live What You Love Special Edition in poster size! It was another fun thing to print, working with linoleum is always nice :)
Please enjoy the behind-the-scene photos here…
Using the tracing paper on top of the letter “O” area where the heart would be and draw the heart shape…

Trace the heart shape onto linoleum…

and curving time!

On Vandercool press — after inking, curve any excess area off so it prints clearly.

Take the first color gray poster…

and print on top — I didn’t have to adjust the placement this time :) ((aww so cute… gets me every time…))

and pink!

Here are final products…
Live What You Love Letterpress Poster Special Edition with Blue Heart:

Live What You Love Letterpress Poster Special Edition with Pink Heart:

Hope you like them!
and I am wishing you all a happy and fun 4th of July weekend!!!