Our lace heart print on my friend Tae & James’ wall — Made me smile! and it was so nice seeing my old friends in San Francisco. xo Hijiri
Tag: lace heart

Costom Print: Jack & Deanne
I printed this a while ago for Jack & Deanne who got married on June 5th this year — they wanted a memorable piece with the lace heart for their wedding and also for the keepsake, I was so happy to be able to create a custom print for them — and it came out so great!
Wood type set and adjusting placement and impression…
Always make sure with the compute mock up for spelling, placement etc.
It’s ready for inking — their wedding colors were red and pink — pink ink here for the names and the dates:
Now, printing the lace heart… (I could print this first, but due to the ink on the press, this way made sense at that time. Being flexible is a big part of letterpress printing, I think!)
and here is the finished print:
Congratulations, Jack and Deanne!!
New: Lace Heart Letterpress Gift Tags
New in my shop: Lace Heart Letterpress Gift Tags :) Perfect for sending your love this holiday season! Or in any occasion :) Hope you like them… xo Hijiri
Hijirik For The Holidays
The title sounds like a shameless self promotion (:P), but I was so happy and excited to see my work featured at minted condition! And the lovely Bekka gave the title, hijirik for the holidays — aww so awesome! Thank you so much!!
Please think of me and my shop this Holiday season :) xo Hijiri