Happy Weekend!


Wishing you all a happy weekend… this week was a bit rainy and cloudy so I spent a lot of time with these girls at home… (except the one on the top left from last Saturday) Looks like a nice weather this weekend in NY! Yay! :) xo Hijiri

Happy Weekend!


Time is flying and flying, I can’t believe it’s Friday already! This week was all about adjusting. My mom left (thank you, we love you and miss you!!) and I think we are finally getting rid of the jet lag… Still has some unpacking to do (things never get done with a baby…) but I think I’m ready to get back to regular blog posting and my work.

Photos are from this week. Wishing you a happy weekend — see you on Monday! xo Hijiri

Happy Weekend!


Wishing you all a happy weekend! We are leaving to Japan soon, this weekend will be all about preparing for the trip…

Pictures are from this week — it was another great week :)

Happy Mother’s Day!!

Happy Happy Mother’s Day for all the hardworking moms out there!! And my special thank you to my mom and my mom-in-law!! You are my inspiration and thank you so much for all you do. We love you!!! xoxo Hijiri

p.s The photo is cute little yellow flowers Randy got me few days ago. It’s always so nice to have flowers around home, makes me happy :) And I finally started using Instagram (this photo is also via Instagram) and am loving it! If you also use it, please note my user name: heartfishpress Hope to see you there, too!