New Pantone

Made me look! :D

LWYL in Art Studio

LWYL in Art Studio

Lovely Kathleen Maunder from trowel and paintbrush posted this on her Instagram:

My painting table today with a lovely bouquet of tulips. My ‘Live What You Love’ letterpress print from @heartfishpress provides daily inspiration.

Made me so happy that it’s been loved by such a talented artist! Thank you, Kathleen!



How lovely… made me proud! photo by theeverygirl_

If you have our products and would like to share it on instagram, please do and use #heartfishpress please :) I’m going to feature it here.

American Museum of Natural History


So last Friday, we went to the American Museum of Natural History. It was our Valentine’s day family date. We’ve been there few times before, but it was our first time taking our 1-year-old Mili there… it was extra fun! She especially liked the mammals area and the ocean life area, which I’d never been before and so it was cool to see that part. Here are some photos from the day — enjoy!


This giant canoe had a cool pattern!





Happy Friday and have a great weekend everyone! I’ll be turning one year older tomorrow… :) xo Hijiri