LLOVE. The exhibition where you can stay for the night! It’s an exhibition in a hotel in Daikanyama, Tokyo and not only you can look around the exhibition, but also you can stay in it. How awesome! It’s going on until November 23rd, if you happen to visit Tokyo this month or if you live there, please go check it out for me. There are 14 different rooms all designed by different designers and here are some — they look all so amazing!

(found via veryverybeautiful)


When we were in Los Angels a couple weeks ago, we stayed at Hollywood Heights Hotel for 2 nights and I couldn’t help but notice their logo. I love how they used letter H, three of them together like that, and I also love the clean condensed font for the hotel name. Very simple, modern and clever. It fits the hotel atmosphere very well. The hotel is on the hill so the logo shows around the area nicely, too, I think.



Pictures are from the front of the hotel. Love the 3D letters.
