Holiday Gift Guides with Pinterest

You might have already heard/seen that sfgirlbybay and pinterest are teaming up to help you with your holiday gift ideas this year — and I started my own holiday guide, too! It’s not specifically targeted towards anyone, but I hope it helps… :) I’m still pinning away everyday so please check back often!

((Actually, I don’t mind receiving any of them so this is my gift guide / wish list :D ))

Also, check out Victoria’s lovely gift guide, Ben’s Gifts for girlfriends and Sam’s gifts for the designer dude for more ideas. If you created your own, please let me know in the comment section so I can check it out, too!

Happy Holiday Shopping!! xo Hijiri

Pantone Pepper Mill

One more green inspired post for the day… A Pantone Pepper Mill! This will make a great gift for your designer friend or for your green kitchen/dining room.


More colors are available from here.

(via HOW blog)