Thinking of Japan…


Today is March 11th, 2 years since the big earthquake in Japan… I couldn’t help but thinking about my country and send all my thoughts and prayers… I got this blanket for Mili’s 1st birthday last year from Think of Japan While Knitting project. Every time I see this blanket, I think of Japan and the thoughts that put into this blanket. I can’t wait to explain where this came from when Mili is older, too.


If you are interested in their project, please visit their facebook page and/or Etsy page where you can purchase some of the beautiful products and all the proceed goes to Ashinaga Ikueikai (NPO).


Baby Crochet Project

While I was on vacation, I started a little crochet project for our little baby… :) I got this crochet pattern book at Kinokuniya a while ago, I’m trying to make the dress on the cover in white… we’ll see how it’ll turn out!


I enjoy crocheting here and there, it is such a pleasure making something by hand and be able to use/wear them. I purchased this Japanese crochet book in February (I love Japanese craft books, they are the cutest and easy to follow instructions) and so I started crocheting a scarf for the Spring!

This is what I’m trying to make…

Using 100% organic cotton… I can’t wait to finish it and start wearing it :)

Pot Holder Wall Art

I have been really drawn to pot holder wall art lately. They make the wall/room look so cozy and special. I really want to make more of these so I can start creating my own wall art! Here are some inspirations… ohhh, aren’t they so lovely?

From miekewillems:


From emma lamb:


From LarkingAbout:


and this is my one and only pot holder — it’s a good start, right?


It’s a Labor day weekend! I hope you all have a nice one!