Christmas trees…

Mili helped pulling out our Christmas tree!


It started to look like Christmas everywhere around here! Mili helped pulling out our Christmas tree this year and she goes nuts when the lights are on! (So we have to keep it off after a while… Haha) Still working on decorating our tree, but we saw the trees on the street for sale, too… (see picture) Someday again, I’d love to have a real tree and enjoy the smell of it… Oh Christmas. You are so special.

Merry Christmas!



We drove to Massachusetts today to spend holiday time with the family. It’s Mili’s first Christmas! Tomorrow, she’s going to meet Santa and take a picture with him :) I am so excited!

Pictures are the ornament of the year and Mili’s first Christmas stocking :)

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!!! xo Hijiri

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas to you and yours!!! I hope your Christmas is filled with joy, love and peace… :)

Pictures are our parents’ Christmas tree and Randy’s first ornament from 1976.

See you on Monday! Have a great Christmas :)

1 Day Until Christmas

Happy Christmas Eve!!!

This video is Maia opening her stocking last Christmas… She LOVED it! Hope this makes you smile :)

May your Christmas be filled with joy, love and happiness!!! xoxo Hijiri