We ordered 2 more bags of Blue Bottle coffee online the other day and they came today! I didn’t realize until I moved to NY that I had been spoiled in SF not just by mild weather, but by good coffee. It is so hard to find a place with good coffee here. Especially, if you have tasted Blue Bottle coffee, it gets harder to find the equal quality coffee. Some diner here serves the worst coffee. Oh, I’m not sure if this is an east coast thing, but at some cafes, they ask you if you want milk and sugar and they actually pour milk, add sugar and mix it for you before you pay for it. I don’t think any cafes would do that in SF… at least I haven’t been to one.
We lived 1 block away from the Blue Bottle kiosk in Hayes Valley and it was getting so popular that we had to be in line for 30 minutes+ every time to get one cup of coffee so we started buying beans instead and brewing it at home. They do a drip coffee, which is the best, but the beans are the same so it still tastes great at home! Yes, we are addicted.
Randy’s favorite “Giant Steps”