SIAF Special Package Designs

There are a lot of gifts and souvenirs at the Setouchi International Art Festival special store in Takamatsu. I especially enjoyed looking at the cool package designs that have been created for the festival. They are all so great! And they are all local specialities that you can’t get anywhere, but in Takamatsu / Kagawa prefecture ;)

An udon package. It’s hard to see from this picture I took, but there is a wavy texture on the package. Really simple, but so cool.

A Kurodaizu Syochu (alcohol) bottle package. You will see more of this soon as I brought one back! Isn’t this lovely?

An ebi senbei (shrimp crackers) package. LOVE that the words “ebi senbei” forms into a shrimp.

and the box is letterpressed or foil stamped — it has a nice impression.

This is for Shoyu Mame. Love the lettering and simplicity. So retro!

Olive soda drink packages. Each has different illustrations.

A (special) Shoyu bottle. I also brought this back — so cute, right? This one also feels “showa retro” and I love it.

and these are called “Uchiwa” — a fan. Love the shape and fun designs.

They had a lot of kinds of Tenugui, too.

I hope you liked them as much as I did!


It’s a long Labor day weekend here in US, I have a very good friend visiting all weekend, it’s going to be fun :) I hope you all have a great weekend!! I will be back on Tuesday :) xo Hijiri

Arima Cider Teppo Water Bottle

When we were in Japan this winter, one of my best friends took us to the Arima Onsen (Hot Springs) and we had the best time there! We brought home this Arima Cider Teppo Water — The origin of Japanese cider. (This is a re-release of the first soda in Japan.) We kept it for a while, but we finally drank it recently (it was good!) and just wanted to take pictures of the bottle so I can archive it here.

On the label it states that carbonated water gushing from the ground had been thought to be poisonous and been afraid of, but later served as the origin of Japanese cider. Interesting…