Miles to Style

Psst. There is a new blog in town :: Miles to Style. My friend slash lovely client Christine from LAMA has launched a blog about fashion and dog!

Christine and her adorable dog, Miles (I’ve met him when I first met Christine, he was in his bag, didn’t say anything throughout our meeting at a café. I remember being so impressed by him. What a good boy!) will show you how to coordinate “the look” together both you and your dog and I’m sure more fun posts are coming soon… isn’t it so fun and cute?!

I remember telling Christine when we first got Maia, she was just as excited as I was and she sent me TONS of links for cute dog bags, clothes and collars, I had no idea there were so many fashionable dog related things out there until I had a dog! And yes, she hooked me into all that right away :)

I was so very happy to be a little help putting together the design that she envisioned, too — still in progress, more to come!

Congratulations, Christine (and Miles), everything looks fabulous!! :) xo Hijiri

Make sure to check Miles to Style here.

sfgirlbybay Launches

Good morning! Hope everyone had a nice weekend…

Over the weekend, lovely Victoria, Randy and I finally launched sfgirlbybay! We’ve been working on this new site for a long time so seeing it’s actually live makes me so happy :) When she said “let’s go live” I felt like the wedding day finally arrived or something because we’ve been planning for a long time, making sure all the details one by one, and yes, it was stressful at some point when I had to deal with PHP and CSS madness, and of course it was such a fun process designing and awesome to work with Victoria (like old days! It’s really fun to work with her!), and the launch was just beautiful! We are still working things out here and there, but I think she is happy and she is getting lots of good comments from her readers and that really makes me happy.

Her new home. Very clean and I love the color scheme she decided to go with. It has a really nice feeling and makes me want to spend more time here.


I love how all the categories are organized by polaroid films! So cute and so Victoria.


and of course, her famous “Sunday in the City” has its own section.


and there are more nice features…

If you haven’t already, please go to and look around her new site, you will have a great time. Congratulations, Victoria!!! Cheers to you, your successful blog and many more years to come!!!

Rooted in Style

I have been working with Jana for a while on her logos and website – she is a great interior designer in bay area, just launched her new business / design blog called “Rooted in Style” and I am so honored to be a part of this exciting journey, thank you so much!

Logo design: Love the concept behind this name and her vision. We had a lot of ideas around the concept, it was fun to think and come up with different ideas. At the end, she went with more elegant and simplified version of “root” on the ground and also show a new life above the ground.

Her blog design: Her posts have been so inspirational! She featured about me on her first post, too, thank you so much!!

She also has an interior design studio and I got to design her logo, too:

The succulent flowers you see on her blog is coming from her interior design studio logo – they work nicely together actually – I love the background!

I am going to check out my letterpress studio today – I am renting one starting this month! Many more letterpress projects to share very soon!

New Design

I know you’ve already noticed, but this blog got a new look as of today!

I mentioned that I was learning PHP and CSS before and I had to experiment a lot of stuff by using my blog to learn more so here it is, the result. whew. It took me a while to put this together (I was working on it on my testing server) and I will still be experimenting more stuff so you might see something different every day. If your browser window is not showing the page right, please report!

I am getting the hang of it, though! It is actually fun to see it works after trying things out in so many different ways.

I am excited to work on more blog design now!