Gorgeous Paper Dress

Spotted this gorgeous dress in a lobby of 7 W building. And it is made out of paper leaves! Made me look even more.

Love the neckline, too…

Ever since October hit, it is officially fall here in NYC. This is perfect for the season, too.

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway if you haven’t already!

Autumn Color Week: Red

Happy Friday, everyone and today is the last day for the Autumn Color Week… and today’s color is RED. It’s been so fun and I was inspired by the each color everyday and looking at the flickr pool has been such a treat! Thank you, Jan and Earl, for such a wonderful idea :)

And here are some red inspired photos I took…

My neighbor’s Red Door. (really pretty)


In New York, you will see this emergency tower everywhere on the street.


and… here are some sneak peeks for my holiday cards… coming very soon at my shop



I can’t wait to share more… :)

Thank you so much for being with me this week for the autumn color week! xo