Found Type: Nespresso Store

Found Type in SOHO

Found this typographic store display at the Nespresso store in SoHo. Caught my eye.


Painted Letter For A Baby Keepsake

What a great idea and how beautiful this painted letter M keepsake is!! I am all over it right now, it’s awesome!! Designed by talented Meg from Moglea. Hats off to you!

Letter Sculptures


There is a BoConcept store in DUMBO and every time I walk by there recently, I couldn’t help but stare at these letter sculptures! (Sorry for the reflection, it’s their window display) How awesome to just have them around the house?! I might have to buy some… :)

Found Type: Chambers


Found on Plymouth Street right by the Manhattan Bridge. These old brick signs are getting less and less around here, I hope they keep what’s left!!