Today’s Bridge 1.19.11

It’s been so wet outside with the snow and the rain… this is Manhattan Bridge looking from Cadman Plaza East (it becomes Washington Street) I know which way is my home from anywhere because of the bridge. and I like that.

Happy Thursday, everyone!

Today’s Bridge 1.3.11

I meant to post these photos 2 days ago… The first “Today’s Bridge” of the year!

Brooklyn Bridge from Washington Street:

Manhattan Bridge also from Washington Street:

May Today’s Bridge in 2011 be even more awesome… :)

Today’s Bridge 12.27.10 (evening)

I couldn’t help taking more pictures of the snow and the bridge… It was so crazy outside! No car could drive the road so there was no car (we couldn’t even move our rental car!), few people were walking around, but the town was dead quiet, I had to walk in 20 inches of snow and it was freeeeezing. brrrrrrrr

This is Manhattan Bridge from Washington Street.

and Front Street…

We had tickets to Wintuk show last night (a little Christmas present for us) so we went into the city, it was just as crazy. The show was fun :)

Today’s Bridge 12.27.10

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas… We drove back on Christmas night, actually, due to the expected snow storm — thank goodness, we did, yesterday all day was a crazy snow storm! And look what it did to our streets…

This is on Plymouth Street, looking down the 2 bridges. Usually looks like this.

Poor car… (our rental car is behind this and pretty much the same condition. aww)

Wish us luck getting our rental car out to return it today…