Winter Vacation Sale

Thank you all so much for thinking of my work this holiday season, I hope you and your loved ones enjoy them so much.

My shop is now officially on vacation mode until I come back next year — but instead of totally closing it, I am keeping it open and having a winter vacation sale! Everything is 10-20% off…. but the catch is that you have to wait until I come back on January 21st (+few days for shipping) to get your order… I hope you are not in hurry… :)

(while supplies last)

I have a little bit more work to finish and then, off to Boston for Christmas! Safe travels if you are going somewhere this week! I will be posting my Christmas wishes to all of you tomorrow…. :) xo Hijiri

Last Day of Shopping

Just a reminder, today is the last day to shop at my etsy shop for the holidays! (well, until tomorrow 3pm EST to be exact – for US shipping addresses) I will do FREE upgrade to Priority mail between now and then so you will receive it before Christmas! Happy shopping!

*Picture is from Marisa Fontana. How lovely! Thank you, Marisa!


((I have been meaning to build a gallery of Live What You Love prints in your house for months… next year’s project for sure! If you have your Live What You Love prints/posters pictures, please email it to me at contact [at] hijirik dot com.))

Live What You Love 8th Edition

Just wanted to let you know that I have printed Live What You Love 8th edition and they are all available at my etsy shop now. It is a little bit smaller edition since I only had 1 day, but some new colors to enjoy :) Hope you like them.



This color is new… I call it “cerulean blue” — I love how it came out!


Hot off the press:


And here are all 7 of them.


Red is a bit darker and richer this time and light grey is really warm this time. I printed green first time in a long time (since the first edition)!


Inspired by my “thank you for shopping” cards I printed before (they are all gone…!) I printed “SMILE” mini prints for everyone in the world to share. It is absolutely one of my favorite words and just having the word around is actually really nice and makes me smile every time I see it :) so here it is… smile :)

On Vandercook Press:


Hot off the press:


and here is the final product. Available here.


Shown in a white 5×7 frame with friend in a nut and NYC stamps.



Hope you like it! Have a lovely smiley day!