SMILE Letterpress Print: New Colors!

Just listed new SMILE letterpress prints in new colors! This was a request from my customer and I ended up liking the color so much! Hope you like them, too… these are very limited in quantity (15-18 each) so please grab them if you like it!

Wood type blocks set on Vandercook press:

Hot off the press:

SMILE Letterpress Print in Lavender:

Here is another color version…

Hot off the press:

SMILE Letterpress Print in Pink:

Smile :) :) :)

Elle Decor UK

Lovely Jen from Made by Girl told me about that my Live What You Love letterpress print has been in the Elle Decor UK magazine April issue a while ago and also, my friend Susan mentioned the same thing to me… but when I went to a bookstore to see it in my eye, the new issue was already out and so I thought I totally missed it…

and Jen just sent me the page — she found in her hard drive! Yes, it’s my print in this sleek kitchen! Yay!

(Click the image to see larger)

Thank you so much, Jen!! xo

p.s Does anyone out there have this April issue that you are done with and that I can have?? That would be awesome if you do! Let me know.


I have a great news to share today — my work has been featured in this awesome book called “Impressive –Printmaking, Letterpress and Graphic Design” by Gestalten! I could not be more excited to be a part! The book should be out all over the world now — if you happen to see it at the book store, please take a look or grab it (you will not regret) — really great design book I’ve seen in a long time!

Here is my page! Page 96 to be exact. Next to Sesame Letterpress page, how exciting!

***and some sneak peeks of the book***

Yay for my friend, Tota Press:

Studio on Fire:

Fortress Letterpress + Design:

The Paper Nut:

LOVE their work — by The Caseroom Press:

Stéphane de Schrevel:

I have been her fan — Ophelia Chong:

Mike Burton & Cranky Pressman:

Mike Burton:

I wish I could share every page with you… 240 pages filled with printmaking, letterpress, graphic design goodness!

I am so inspired, thank you again so much, Gestalten editors!!

Psst… HELLO Giveaway

Lovely Jenn from A Merry Mishap is hosting a giveaway — share your “HELLO” moment and win my letterpress print!

My recent “hello” moment would be when my new dining table and my new couch came, and also, when my best friend had a fist boy and when I first saw his precious face! Don’t you love the “hello” moment?!