The End of The Year 2014…

IMG_0602I can’t believe the year 2014 is ending…! I wasn’t blogging much at all this year because my iPhone WordPress app started showing my pictures wrong and I couldn’t stand it so I stopped blogging from my iPhone. Then, I just didn’t have time when I was on my desktop computer and it got put aside… :( I still have so many pictures that I wanted to share from this year, though, it’s sitting on my phone… Yes, I was still getting inspired by the city, my surroundings, my family… but just couldn’t/didn’t share. (Picture above is from yesterday: it was snowing a bit so I stopped and looked up in my neighborhood DUMBO.)

Maybe it’s time to redesign everything, though, that might help posting from my iPhone again?!

I also didn’t print as much this year… probably the least printing year ever. That’s so sad. I know I want to get back to it, I just have to. That’s the only thing that was missing this year.

Instead, I was spending all my time and energy with my Mili. (and a little projects here and there) which is not a bad thing. at all. Actually, it’s kinda really precious. She turned 3 in October and she will be going to Pre-K in fall 2015. so 9 more months, could I spend all my time and energy for this young girl who is growing up way too fast?! I think I could :) Printing, too, soon!

IMG_0414Wishing you the happiest new year 2015!!!!
xo Hijiri

MoMA visit


I’ve renewed my MoMA membership the other day so there’s gonna be more MoMA visits this year… :) These photos are from this week, Mili and I saw Isa Genzken exhibition for the second time. It is pretty outrageous! Awesome works.


There is a colorful typographic wall, it always catches my eye. Just the word “happy” makes you happy, doesn’t it? :)


Isaac Julien: Ten Thousand Waves — we enjoyed this film installation for the second time. There are nine-channel video installation (color, sound) and it is so fun to watch, even for 2-year-old. People are laying down on the floor to watch, we did the same :)





Little Artist


Mili loves to draw and paint, it is fun to see her enjoying creating :)

The other day, she drew our family portrait (below) and made us all surprised! “The big one is Daddy, next to him is Mama, and the tiny one is Mili,” she said. There are eyes and the size is right, I was wowed.


These little things really surprises me and inspires me, thank you, Mili!

Happy Mother’s Day!


Happy Mother’s Day to our moms and all the amazing hardworking moms out there!!! Hope you all are having a great weekend filled with love and laughter.

Mili made me the best present :) I am so happy and so proud to be her mama! Thank you, Mili!


Also, Randy got me some pretty flowers and made me a french toast this morning. What a lucky mom I am! Thank you!


This little girl struggled with high fever this week, ended with rosaola rash, still has some rash on her body, but I am so grateful she is better now!