New: Wood Type Greeting Cards

Better Late Than Never!

These 3 new greeting cards are debuting this Sunday also! Available both at my online shop and wholesaling.Guess What? Greeting CardYes, they are all printed with wood type blocks, I just adore them so much!

I Want The World To Know Greeting CardWood Type Greeting Cards:
Inspired by and letterpress-printed with beautiful vintage wood type blocks, Heartfish Press offers 3 different greeting cards with a unique touch. Customize your own message inside!

Alphabet Greeting Cards

Alphabet Greeting CardsThis week is all about the National Stationery Show! I’ll be introducing what’s debuting on May 15th. First up is the Alphabet Greeting Cards. I reprinted them all for the show (some are in new colors) and will be available both from my online shop and wholesaling.

Inspired by alphabet flash cards and the beauty of vintage wood type blocks, Heartfish Press created 26 different greeting cards for each letter A to Z. Each card celebrates a different occasion. The large letters are printed with real vintage wood type with great texture that digital design can’t reproduce.

Heartfish Press Business Card

Heartfish Press Business CardOne of the most important things that you need to have at the National Stationery Show is definitely your business cards. I had the design, but hadn’t printed the actual business cards since it’s launched in January 11th so this is really exciting to have them in my hands!

Heartfish Press Business CardI used Lettra 220lb. (oh, how I love this paper), double-sided in square format :)

Heartfish Press Business CardThe backside is with all the information.

Can’t wait to hand them out!

Custom Monogram Note Cards

Just finished and sent off these custom order of the monogram letterpress note cards. A set of 10 note cards for each monogram. Katy wanted them in darker colors which I actually don’t do much so it was fresh for me :)

Happy Friday and weekend, everyone! I’m off to print, print, print… xo Hijiri