Inker Linker

Lovely Jessica Hische has launched Inker Liner recently — Finding printers just got so much easier! You can search printers based on what they do best or what’s most important to you etc. great resource site indeed!

You can find printers by location, too:

and yes, you can find Heartfish Press under “Letterpress” :)

Please go over here and “like” us or leave a comment if you’d like, please! Thank you in advance for your support :) xo Hijiri

On Vacation!

I will be on vacation (aka baby moon) until Monday, August 22nd — we’ll be spending relaxing time in Cape Cod, MA with limited Internet access… so I will see you when I get back!

The picture is from beyond design — they design these vintage inspired save the date postcard. Perfect if you are planning a destination wedding or an event :)

Oh, and Heartfish Press is having a vacation sale — enter coder “summervacation11” to get 20% off entire order! Your order will be shipped AFTER we get back on Monday, August 22nd. Make sure to stop by and stock up some letterpress goodies for the fall/winter :)

If you have Twitter or Instagram (@heartfishpress), I’ll be popping in whenever I can so I’ll see you over there! Have a great week, everyone! xo Hijiri

Printing with Pearl <3

This week is like a madness before the vacation (we leave this Friday to Cape Cod for like 10 days! yay!) trying to finish lots of stuff…

Just wanted to pop in and say hi! I printed something with my new (old) Golding Pearl yesterday, hope to share the final products soon… :) xo Hijiri

The Fabric of Kate’s Life

My Live What You Love poster has been featured on a Cotton commercial!! See the very beginning and the ending on the left bottom corner?! When they contacted me, I was like YES!! Of course!! and now, it’s on a national TV commercial campaign :) yay!

(Thanks, Andrew, for letting me know!)