Good-bye 2011, Hello 2012!

Y is for Year 2012

This would be the last post for the year 2011… I think it was the most wonderful year of my life yet! I launched my letterpress company on January 11th, found out that I was pregnant (!), exhibited National Stationery Show for the first time, found out that I was having a baby girl and then, we welcomed the most precious Mili into the world!! (happy tears)

But also, it was the sad year for my country Japan… they are still recovering from the Tsunami disaster… my thoughts are going to stay with them…

Good-bye, year 2011, you will be forever remembered.

And hello, year 2012, I am so excited to see what you bring to us! Happy New Year, everyone!!! May 2012 be a wonderful year for us all!! I will be slowly getting back to work soon and that means more blog posts here, too :) xo Hijiri

Time has come!

The time I’ve been waiting for for a loong time — we are going to go welcome our first baby soon! I will try posting some pictures when we get back and settle in so please check back :)

p.s Please check out our welcome baby sale in the meantime!

Shop News

My due date is in 2 days, still no signs of anything… I think our baby is going to take her time…?! I wish I knew when she’d decide to come out!

In the meantime, I am still taking online orders and shipping orders. It’s good to walk around so going to a post office is my daily exercise :) I have one more wholesale order to pack (I know, I should hurry up!) and I think I am closing my etsy shop for a little while until I settle in with our new addition and feel ready to ship again… but I will keep my web shop open and have a maternity leave sale while I am adjusting my life with a newborn. Please check Heartfish Press homepage for special code and details when the time has come (not just yet). If you need something sooner, please shop NOW so I can ship it right away. Otherwise, please wait for the sale to start and it’ll be shipped sometime in November or December… well before Christmas time for sure. (hint hint)

Thank you so much! xo Hijiri

Live What You Love by Kathleen

Kathleen of Trowel and Paintbrush has posted her lovely Live What You Love print on her blog today and I just had to share! LOVE the bold black frame with such cute flowers, made me smile, thank you so much, Kathleen, for sharing!

I remember talking to her in the emails and she told me that she is happy to be painting again and her new year’s resolution is to paint a little every day. I asked if I could see her paintings someday and there they are, lots of beautiful paintings on her blog!

It’s always really awesome to know that one of my prints has been loved so much by such a talented artist :) Thank you!!