Live What You Love Yellow Prints


Just wanted to let you know that Live What You Love letterpress prints in yellow are back in stock! It’s been sold out for a while… so I’m happy that it’s back.


I used different wood type blocks as usual and the letter O of YOU has a really unique texture, I adore it so much.

Live What You Love yellow Live What You Love yellow Live What You Love yellow Live What You Love yellow Live What You Love yellow

Please stop by the shop and grab one if you’ve been waiting for it.


Brooklyn Makers Shop

brooklyn makers shop brooklyn makers shop

Teresa of Brooklyn Makers has opened an online shop! And I am so excited to be the one of the sellers there! There are many more awesome artists from Brooklyn showcasing their great products. All made in Brooklyn! Please be sure to stop by and browse around!


This is a flyer for the shop :)

Brooklyn Spotlight: The Printer

I am beyond excited to share this interview I did today. Please watch it when you have a few minuets to spare. It’s a part of a Brooklyn Series on Barclays Center Television website, I was so honored to be a part!! awwwww