Brooklyn Roasting Company Package

Brooklyn Roasting Company

I mentioned a little bit about Brooklyn Roasting Company on Tuesday — I like not only their coffee, but also their packaging. The picture is their decaf coffee packaging. Isn’t that great?! (and they are not kidding. It’s so good.) It also comes in a tin can, which I like. You bring back the tin can, they refill it with the beans and you get a dollar off, too.

All of their coffee packaging is designed just with simple Helvetica!

Star Wars Moleskine Book

Star Wars Moleskin

I couldn’t believe what I saw at the Kinokuniya — Star Wars Moleskine schedule notebook for 2013! Each one says different stuff;

Do. Or do not. There is no try. — Yoda

Don’t underestimate the force. — Darth Vader

May the force be with you. — Luke Skywalker

Here’s where the fun begins. — Han Solo

I have to get one of these for next year! I can’t decide which one yet, though… touch choice.

Baby Wed: Design For MiniKind

The always lovely Erin from the Design for Mankind has launched the Design for MiniKind and it immediately became my daily read :) Just wanted to spread the words and send love to soon-to-be-a-mom Erin. Congratulations!! :) xo Hijiri