Fall Scene in Summer

While summer is screaming out of its name loud and clear everyday in NY, you can enjoy fall scene in Brooklyn Heights — at Cadman Plaza Park. I don’t know why, but these trees always change colors in the middle of summer and all the leaves start to fall… I remember last year was like this, too…

Maia and I took a long walk yesterday and went through the park — couldn’t help but photographing this fall scene. The grass is covered with fallen leaves!

Maia enjoyed it, too :)

(Do you have an iPhone and use Instagram? If so, let me know, I’d love to see your photos! I’m @heartfishpress if you’d like to follow my photos.)


3 thoughts on “Fall Scene in Summer

  1. Hi Jodi-
    Hi {gemmifer}

    isn’t it crazy?!
    and yes, if only if also felt like fall…!! Hope you guys are not melting too much in this heat!! :)

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