Yesterday, I was running around like a crazy woman trying to run all the errands, finish as many things as possible before I leave for 2 weddings/vacation on Friday… (yes, I’ll be on vacation! I sooo need it, I can’t wait!) and found cool type… I had to take photos… found some more… had to take photos… so here are my type finds from all over the Park Slope. (it is a huge area)
This big garbage bin had lots of cool type and texture…
Love this look.
Vintage looking Pharmacy sign.
Yes, it’s Record & Tape Center! aww so good.
This bar on 5th Avenue north Park Slope is covered entirely with chalkboard outside. Even their store sign is written in chalk! (and they still have chalkboards out, too…)
Love the hand-lettering.
What a fun idea! Especially for a bar – unfortunatelly, I didn’t find any chalks to doodle around when you are hanging around outside… oh.. that might not work out too well… I don’t know what the drunken people would doodle… :)
Have a great day!!